We applaud you for pursuing your civil rights! Please complete the form below. A staff member from Legal Aid Society will contact you within 2-4 business days to discuss your application and civil legal issue.
Completing this application does not make you a client of Legal Aid Society and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Privacy: As a prospective client of the Legal Aid Society, the information you provide to us will be treated as confidential under the Lawyers’ Rules of Professional Conduct and we will not disclose your information without your consent or prior notice. We will use the information you provide in the application only to determine your eligibility for services and, if we can assist you, to aid us in providing those services.
Security: This is a secure site and information transmitted over this site is secure. However, if you are using a public computer or other computer that does not belong to you, remember to completely close out of the internet browser when you are finished. If you don’t, you might accidentally share your personal information with someone else. We strive to provide quality assistance, in accordance with our program priorities and eligibility guidelines. If you feel your request for assistance has been improperly denied, or if you are dissatisfied with the assistance provided, you may call our Executive Assistant at 502-614-3107 to discuss your complaint.